BPS Online Psychometric Test Training Course
Posted on 1 year ago SG, RochorVisits : 17
Location: Rochor
Price: Contact us
This online psychometrics course enables you to be able to advance your knowledge and understanding in the field of psychometrics This BPS Level 1&2 course enables individuals to become accredited in using psychometric tests from our website and other vendors as well
This certification in online psychometric training offers confidence to your colleagues and clients saying that you are competent and up-to-date when it comes to the workplace setting This is a great accolade that you can use in your profile and CV
Successful delegates will also be able to apply to the British Psychological Society's (BPS) RQTU Certification and European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA) Level 2 Test Certificate This means the holder will be recognized internationally as having trained to the highest levels of practical application of Psychometric Tests