Buy KN

Posted on 2 years ago SG, Changi

Visits : 16

Location: Changi

Price: Contact us

Color: White
Season: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
鈽匓e Applicable
It is suitable for filtering except oily particles under the air pollution environment in daily life
With powerful dust filtering function
The surface layer is a PP non-woven fabric, and the middle filter layer is an electrostatic meltblown filter material
Product Usage
Particulate matter produced during grinding, sanding, cleaning, sawing, bagging, etc , or during processing of ore, coal, iron ore, flour, metal, wood, pollen, and certain other materials Liquid or non-oily particulate matter produced by spraying that does not emit oily aerosols or vapors Metal fumes from welding, brazing, cutting and other operations involving metal heating
This mask can help reduce respiratory exposure to certain microbial particles in the air such as mold, Bacillus anthracis, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Recommended Applications:
Dust, smoke, such as dust and smoke from assembly, cleaning, dismantling, equipment maintenance,
grinding, machining, grinding, welding, etc ; also for the protection of smog and pathogenic microorganisms;
Recommended industry:
Mining, locomotives, construction, food and beverage, maintenance and repair, transportation, etc Buy KN95
website: [***] shengnuomedical com/kn95/